Sunday 3 June 2012

the mindful artist

Over the last few weeks, I have had a painting in progress. Sometimes when I have 'down time' between clients, or if I am at my office during the weekend, I engage with the paint and the canvas. Every stroke is mine. I own them. I intuitively work on the canvas, not knowing what each mark will add to the composition. I 'listen' to my impulses to place the colours here or there. I allow my pallet knife to mix different and unexpected hues as it glides and scrapes across the vista. I celebrate each colour and enjoy the smell of the oil paints. My painting rag becomes as beautiful as a coat of many colours and my easel is itself a sculpture of instalation in my room that brings me joy. Something happens on the inside of me while I am absorbed with my craft. A contentment comes over me. I relax and breathe. I am in the moment. I am not striving to complete a prescribed or contrived idea. I am allowing whatever emerges to emerge, without judgment. I am present to the marks on the canvas. I am acceptable, I am loved, I am content.