Friday 23 March 2012

creativity and inner healing

Hi to those who have stumbled on or purposefully sought out this blog! I thought that I would write a few words about how utilising the creative process can bring deep healing into our lives. I find that when my 'creative juices are flowing'it is as if I step into a stream of delicious clear water that washes me, cleanses me, changes me, invigorates me, fills me. This is not necessarily about producing some sort of finished art work for others to see and admire. Not at all. This is about giving expression to my innermost being. Every mark on the canvas chosen by me, every colour a reflection of my inner landscape. I suspect that my work becomes somewhat of a validating mirror. I mirror back to myself some emotion, thought, memory etc and then I reflect on it and sometimes more insights arise into my consciousness. Even when more insights don't emerge, I am soothed and in some way met by the experience of giving expression to my inner world. Sometimes a certain internal pressure is vented. Often I come away feeling though I have encountered myself and said, "Hello." Writing a journal page has a similar effect on me...even drawing a diagram of what is happening in my internal or external world, helps me to sort out where I stand in it all. I guess I am speaking about the age-old principal of externalizing issues. This is more than merely venting. Sometimes we vent what we know at a cognitive level and that may have some benefits but creatively allowing whatever emerges to emerge, subconscious material is allowed to flow to the surface of the creative stream and be transformed along the way. My encouragement to you today is to step into the stream. Humans are creators, part of this beautiful universe and and capable of giving expression to the stream that is beyond us, moving through us and flowing to others who need it. Streams of living water. Love and blessings Sandy on a beautiful autumn day in Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday 18 March 2012

Creative exercise/all roads lead to Rome

Hello to whoever finds this 'message in a bottle', sent from the shores of New Zealand. "Open your dictionary and choose a random word. Write that word into a sentence. Take a key word from that sentence and write that into a new sentence. Repeat this 3 times. Take a key word from the last sentence and write it on your page. Read aloud what you have on your page. Write a sentence about the emotional response that you have from this passage. Take a key word from that and write it into a new sentence. repeat this 3 times. Take a key word from the final sentence. Identify where you resonate with that in your body. Where do you feel it? What is that like?" (c) Fabrin, 2012. Ask yourself, "What am I becoming aware of?" Skeates, (2009) Let me know what you discover when you do this exercise! Have a wonder-filled day. Sandy

Wednesday 14 March 2012


Hello where-ever this finds you. In the last week a few lovely unexpected kindnesses from strangers have warmed my heart. The young man who pulled up behind my car in his and took the trouble to tell me that one of my tyres needed pumping up, the other young man who overheard me saying that I was $1 short when I dashed into a shop to buy a few things and came over to me with a handful of small change and sorted out the dollar that I needed, the beautiful elderly polynesian woman on our street who smilingly encouraged me to go up to the rubbish truck driver, when I had missed the morning pick-up. All strangers who cared enough to go out of their way to do a little kindness for a stranger. Imagine if we all did that, not only for strangers, but for those people that we interact with every day. I am not saying anything new. My heart is grateful for kindness, for shoes on my feet, for food on my table, for loving friends and family from all over the world, for the people that come to me for help and their amazing stories,for a roof over my head and for this beautiful jewel of a planet, on which we dwell. I send kind thoughts to you today. Sandy

Friday 9 March 2012

Standing up tall.

Hello to you all, where-ever this finds you and whatever your circumstances. I have been thinking about standing up into my full self. I wonder what that the same time I am learning to let go of ego...that part of me that wants to win, be right, be better than others. It is on my heart to learn how to let go, to forgive, to offer grace, and at the same time to be utterly myself and to give full expression of my essence, without overriding others. It is a delicate dance and I am not dancing very elegantly yet...but I am dancing...a little like a toddler...stepping on my own toes at times, bumping into the wall, sometimes falling down. I am happy to be dancing and I invite you to join me. On your feet! The music is playing! Stand up and let go. Accept and let it go. You are worth it! Love and peace Sandy

Creative retreat day advert!

I am writing to invite you to a Creative Retreat Day which will take you on a journey of discovery and new insights as we use clay, paint, music, drawing and writing on the theme of "Walking into Grace". This will be a very special day. Numbers limited. Facilitated by therapist, Sandy Fabrin. Please find details below. Saturday 21st April 2012 at 88 School Road Kingsland Auckland New Zealand 10.30am to 4.30pm cost: $155 Includes morning and afternoon tea and a nutritious lunch. For further information, reply top this email or phone me on 021614644 I hope to see you there, if you can make it! Kind regards Sandy If you are overseas and can't make it, I would love to put together a day program for you at a reasonable cost. Contact me!! Blessings, where-ever you are and may grace invade your circumstances and your hearts!!! Love and peace. Sandy

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Here comes the rain

I am sitting on the floor by my front door. Big drops of rain are falling outside and I can hear the crickets singing and the distant sound of children's voices. We are heading into autumn here in New Zealand. I love the different seasons of the year and the different seasons of life. My 5 senses are alive to the sounds, the sights, the feel of the cool breeze blowing through my open door, the smell of wet plants and if I were to step outside the rain would taste fresh and clean on my tongue. I am in the moment. The present. The now. There is no judgment, just acceptance of what is. Flutters of emotions come and go and thoughts slide across the screen of my consciousness. It is a delicious, peaceful now. A mindful now. Try it. Love and peace. Sandy