Friday 23 March 2012

creativity and inner healing

Hi to those who have stumbled on or purposefully sought out this blog! I thought that I would write a few words about how utilising the creative process can bring deep healing into our lives. I find that when my 'creative juices are flowing'it is as if I step into a stream of delicious clear water that washes me, cleanses me, changes me, invigorates me, fills me. This is not necessarily about producing some sort of finished art work for others to see and admire. Not at all. This is about giving expression to my innermost being. Every mark on the canvas chosen by me, every colour a reflection of my inner landscape. I suspect that my work becomes somewhat of a validating mirror. I mirror back to myself some emotion, thought, memory etc and then I reflect on it and sometimes more insights arise into my consciousness. Even when more insights don't emerge, I am soothed and in some way met by the experience of giving expression to my inner world. Sometimes a certain internal pressure is vented. Often I come away feeling though I have encountered myself and said, "Hello." Writing a journal page has a similar effect on me...even drawing a diagram of what is happening in my internal or external world, helps me to sort out where I stand in it all. I guess I am speaking about the age-old principal of externalizing issues. This is more than merely venting. Sometimes we vent what we know at a cognitive level and that may have some benefits but creatively allowing whatever emerges to emerge, subconscious material is allowed to flow to the surface of the creative stream and be transformed along the way. My encouragement to you today is to step into the stream. Humans are creators, part of this beautiful universe and and capable of giving expression to the stream that is beyond us, moving through us and flowing to others who need it. Streams of living water. Love and blessings Sandy on a beautiful autumn day in Auckland, New Zealand

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