Thursday 29 November 2012

falling back into trust

Once upon a time there was a little person...a child. The child learned that the world was not a safe place. When she grew to adulthood she thought that she needed to control everyone and everything around her to make sure that her world was ok. She held the reins. She was hypervigilent looking to see where the next threat would come from. Then she met kindness. Kindness came and stood right in front of her and said that it was ok to let go. She didn't believe kindness and tried to control kindness so that it could be dealt out to her in exact measures at the prescribed times. A knowable resource, to help her get through life. Kindness said, "Thats not how it works. Kindness is a gift. I am here for you but you can't ever know the extent of that, unless you let go of control and choose to trust." Trust feels like a risk. I am choosing to take that risk. I am falling back into the arms of kindness today. When you hold anything too tightly it will be squashed and limited in what it can give you. In relationships, the rich and wonderful opportunity to receive from another person is lost if we attempt to control the journey. I hope that this is food for thought and that you can mindfully sooth yourself enough to let go of those you are controlling. I am letting go and falling back into the arms of kindness today. Blessings Sandy

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