Tuesday 30 October 2012

Connecting the dots

Hello there I wonder who will stumble onto this blog today. Right now I am unsure what will emerge as I write. I am going to let whatever emerges to emerge and trust that, for this moment, it is just right. I don't know about you, but my brain keeps wanting to 'connect the dots', to make conclusions, to arrive somewhere, rather than being content to be on a now moment by now moment, journey of discovery. As I wonder about that, I notice that if I pull myself gently back to the present, I can be aware of the task of writing this blog. It can be approached as a fixed point goal (Skeates, 2009) or an emergent process. If I allow it to be emergent, my stress in doing it, disappears. What is becoming clear to me as I write? That I want to simply be here with you, where ever you are in the world. So that you know you are not alone. You are connected to me across the miles and I care what is happening to you. Also that whatever I have learned in my 56 years of living, I want to make available to you. That is my emergent insight. I have discovered the reason for this blog. Connecting the dots is not always possible on a cognitive level because we have only our thoughts and memories to draw upon. Real insight, in contrast, happens when we connect with the deeper truth, found in our hearts. Bless you on your own journey of discovery. Peace and love, Sandy

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